Information Collection:
We may collect personal information provided by users, such as name, email address, phone number, and other data, if necessary to provide services or fulfill user requests.
Use of Information:
The information we collect may be used for processing orders, providing access to our services, sending notifications and newsletters, as well as for analytics and improving the quality of services provided.
Data Protection:
We take all necessary measures to protect the personal information of our users from unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or disclosure.
Data Transfer to Third Parties:
We do not disclose personal information to third parties without your consent, except as required by law.
Management of Personal Data:
Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information. They can also withdraw their consent to data processing at any time.
Changes to the Privacy Policy:
We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy. The updated version will be published on our website.

By using our services, you agree to the terms of our privacy policy.